Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Angstrom Advanced - Tech Solution to Grid Congestion in China

Boston,MA United States
Angstrom Advanced Inc has paid a lot of attention to what is going on in China, especially the renewable energy section. The leading magazine "Energy Digital" recently published an article from Verde about this market opportunity:
"As China's economy rapidly grows, the energy sector faces two major challenges: an imbalance of supply and demand and a lack of distribution and transmission infrastructure.
As by far the largest wind power market in the world (with 63 GW installed capacity), China gets more than 30% of its wind market's revenue from federal subsidies—an exceptional amount of support from the government that has adversely caused a massive oversupply issue. In 2011, abandoned wind power amounted to over 10 billion KWh, exceeding 50 percent of the industry's profit. Much of that energy was wasted, mostly positioned near farms lacking sufficient distribution/transmission infrastructure capable of moving excess energy to areas of higher demand. "

With the best rates and a highly trained staff, we guarantee to meet your needs and work with you to obtain your project goals.
Click here to read more about how Angstrom Advanced is helping to solve grid congestion in China.

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